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Syncriticism as an Invariant of Existential Philosophy in Slovak Philosophical Thinking

Peter Rusnák[1] & Marcel Martinkovič[2]


The study maps the contribution of the Slovak philosophical school, which grasped the European and Czechoslovak heritage of phenomenology and existential philosophy in an original way. In the text, the authors present a congenial and undeniably up-to-date concept of syncriticism Ass. Prof. Jozef Piaček, PhD. while at the same time analyzing its contribution in the Slovak philosophical discourse and more broadly in the dialogue in phenomenology and existential philosophy in Slovakia. In the study, the authors also examine the cultural-philosophical starting points and specifics of Slovak modern philosophy and postmodern thinking as phenomena of the Central European intellectual space in the context of thinking about the unique and inspiring project of perichronosophy as a thematic invariant developed at philosophical workplaces in Central Europe (UK Bratislava, TU Trnava, MU Brno, UK Prague). Ass. Prof. Jozef Piaček, working at FiF UK for many years, he was student of prof. Jan Patočka and an expert on Husserl’s phenomenology works, continuously developed a philosophically unique concept of the philosophy of syncriticism and perichronosophy, which even today appeals to his students who work at academic workplaces in Slovakia and abroad. Ass. Prof. Piaček published several monographs and articles on the subject of syncriticism. The platform of living philosophy is his concept of a digital philosophical encyclopedia, where he archives all publication outputs on the subject of the philosophy of syncriticism. Our text will present Piaček’s concept of perichronosophy and concordance in Slovak philosophy, more broadly in phenomenology, as well as in the context of Patočka’s themes (Philosophy as concern for the soul in the village) with implications in the philosophy of education and philosophical therapy (dasein-analysis).

[1] VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic),; ORCID: 0000-0003-0050-4252

[2] Trnava University in Trnava (Slovakia);; ORCID: 0000-0002-0467-5131.

04. júna 2015 by jpiacek
Categories: synkriticizmus | Komentáre vypnuté na Príspevky, oznamy, recenzie, odozvy